
SmartFlow - Website

Website Redesign

SmartFlow came to me asking for help with expanding their brand. Their original website was created in Wordpress and the branding was very outdated. They wanted a new look and feel that could help showcase the company’s expansive strategy beyond its core anti-piracy and license compliance expertise and help them display their sophisticated data-driven tools. This website also needed to be templated based. They only one template for the Solutions and Product Page.


Conducted industry study and competitive benchmarking. Classified by content, structure, look and feel.

The Problem

The overall brand was outdated. The client wanted to keep their original logo and expand the design elements from there. The website was notably outdated and mismatched to the size and resources of the company. We needed updated the overall look and feel, content and imagery that projects credibility.


The navigation of the website was also reviewed and reorganized for a more clear and targeted user experience.