
Enercept Website

Enercept has been manufacturing SIPs since 1981 and has built a reputation for delivering the most customized SIPs on the market. Enercept offers cost-efficiency, energy efficiency, improved air quality — and the latest in green building construction.

Rebranding Project

To communicate who Enercept Homes is, what they do, and what makes them different, elevate the existing brand, enable them to stand apart from the competition, attract and retain clients.

This rebranding was solely a conceptual project and the implementation was done by their internal teams.


Conducted industry study and competitive benchmarking. Classified by content, structure, look and feel.

The Problem

The overall brand was outdated. The colors did not reflect the industry standards. The website was notably outdated and mismatched to the size and resources of the company. We needed updated the overall look and feel, content and imagery that projects credibility. It also needed to be optimized for mobile.


The navigation of the website was also reviewed and reorganized for a more clear and targeted user experience.


We constructed wireframes, prioritizing content alignment with user and website objectives. We arranged and prioritized features, for users to interact with its product and website.

Look and Feel

The website’s overall look and feel main focus was to convey an attitude to the customers as soon as they visit the site. There was a desperate need for clean designs so we focused on modern fonts, icons and complementary colors that were easy to mix and match. We also created distinctive icons for the specific sections of the company and who they serve!

The Solution

  • Designed a modern, minimal website that elevates the brand

  • Created mobile-friendly navigation with tabs to key pages — work, capabilities, and contact

  • Showcased the company’s work by creating pages that displayed beautiful photography

  • Created a services page that explains offered services and connects them with example portfolio projects